How to Convert Humalog to Novolog
Things You'll Need
- Novolog insulin
Multiply your normal Humalog carbohydrate to insulin ratio by 0.9. This is your new carbohydrate to insulin ratio for Novolog. For example, if you normally take 1.0 units of Humalog for every 15 grams of carbohydrate, you should take 0.9 units of Novolog for every 15 grams of carbohydrate.
Multiply your normal Humalog correction bolus by 0.9. This is your new correction bolus for Novolog. For example, if 1.0 units of Humalog usually drops your blood sugar reading by 50, then 0.9 units of Novolog will now drop your blood sugar reading by 50. (Stated another way, 1.0 units of Novolog will drop your blood sugar reading by 55.5.)
If you use an insulin pump, write your basal rates down on a piece of paper. Multiply each rate by 0.9, and reprogram your basal rates to these new amounts (keeping your time ranges the same). Keep your list of original basal rates on hand for reference.