How to Convert Lantus Insulin to Nph Insulin
Things You'll Need
- Healthcare provider
- Calculator
When you initially convert to NPH, you’ll need to determine how long it takes for it to start working, peak, and wear off for your particular body. Start with one daily injection of the same number of units of NPH as your Lantus dosage.
Test your blood sugar regularly. If your blood sugar readings remain stable after 24 hours, you may only need one NPH injection per day. However, if your blood sugar begins rising 12-20 hours after your initial injection, you may need an injection of NPH twice a day.
If you determine you need two daily NPH injections, multiply your original Lantus dosage by 0.8, then divide in half. This is how many units of NPH you should take every 12 hours. Continue testing regularly to determine if your dosage needs further refinement.