What Sugar Level Is Acceptable for a Diabetic?
Time Frame
When determining blood glucose levels at home, measure them while fasting. Most blood sugar recommendations assume you've been fasting.
There are two blood tests for determining blood sugar. The A1C test measures your levels of the previous three months. The blood glucose test measures your level at the moment your blood is drawn.
The A1C test does not require fasting. However, you should fast if you're getting other blood tests that require fasting.
According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics should strive for an A1C result of less than 7 percent glycated hemoglobin. On a fasting blood glucose test, the reading should be less than 130 milligrams per deciliter.
If your blood sugar or A1C is too high, let your doctor know. Doctors usually recommend exercise, a healthy diet, weight loss, and diabetes medication to help reduce blood glucose.