What Is Class D Diabetes?
If you have pre-exiting diabetes and are pregnant, you may be at an increase risk for serious complications for you and your unborn child. Class D diabetes is one of the classifications your doctor uses to help you avoid complications-
With diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin in your pancreas or doesn't convert your insulin into the energy you need, according to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Typically, when you're pregnant your body goes through changes as your body nurtures your baby. When you're diabetic, and pregnant, complications can occur.
According to Children's Hospital of Pittsburg, you are classified as class D if you developed before you turned 10 years old and have lived with the condition for 20 years or more.
Other Importance
In addition, with class D you have vascular or blood vessel complications.
Blood vessel complications include heart disease or stroke because of an accumulation of fatty deposits in your blood vessel walls, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).