A1c Vs. Glucose
Your glucometer gives a reading in milligrams of glucose in a deciliter of blood, written as mg/dl. A1c lab results are expressed as the percentage of hemoglobin molecules with glucose bound to them.
In order to effectively manage your diabetes, you need to know how you're doing on a particular day (mg/dl) and how you're doing overall (A1c).
Patients had trouble understanding that an A1c of 8.1 percent translated to a blood glucose of 186 mg/dl, so researchers developed the eAG.
Like the A1c, the eAG reflects average glucose levels over the past two to three months, but is reported in the same mg/dl as the readings from your glucometer. This is the measurement recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
There's an easy-to-use online calculator on the ADA site to translate your A1C reading into an eAG level.