Can Diabetics Eat Peanut Butter?

Diabetics must keep their insulin down, yet some dietary choices can be unappetizing. Peanut butter, however has very little saturated fat and is low on the glycemic index. It is therefore an excellent evening snack, so long as the brand selected has no added sweetened ingredients.
  1. Function

    • The primary functional benefit of peanut butter for a diabetic is that its properties keep blood sugar levels from getting dangerously high..


    • Experts at Massachussetts' Brigham & Womens Hospital believe that a portion of the benefit of peanut butter is its composition of healthy fatty acids, as opposed to saturated fatty acids.


    • The best type of peanut butter to consume if one is a diabetic is the kind that has a healthy level of omega-3 fatty acids. Smart Balance and Splenda brands are therefore excellent choices.


    • For women who suffer from the gestational form of this disease, eating peanut butter in the morning is an excellent way to keep morning glucose levels from getting way too high.


    • One misconception is that it is a high-calorie treat that diabetics should avoid. This is because so many high-sugar snacks have peanut butter as an ingredient. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are one such example. However, if the peanut butter that does not added refined sugars, then it will not be nearly as unhealthy.

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