Why Being Over Weight Causes Diabetes
The Facts
Sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet are risk factors for type 2 diabetes. These risk factors also lead to weight gain and obesity.
There is a genetic factor for this type of diabetes that is triggered by overweight or obesity. Those who have a parent or sibling with type 2 diabetes have a 10 to 15 percent chance of acquiring the disease. These factors added to lifestyle risk factors greatly increase the odds of developing the condition.
Lifestyle factors play such a large part in type 2 diabetes that patients have the ability to prevent the disease from occurring. Understanding the risk factors makes it possible for some high-risk patients to avoid developing the disease later in life.
Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise. Those who do not have the illness but have a genetic predisposition to developing it may lower their risk by eating a healthy diet, exercising and keeping their weight under control.
Diabetes is a serious condition and should never be treated without the guidance of a doctor. Patients who have the symptoms of diabetes should not attempt to use lifestyle changes as a replacement for treatment from a medical doctor.