Type 2 Diabetes Diet Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Medicine
Consult with a homeopathic physician to determine whether your condition can be appropriately treated through homeopathic means. According to information from the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, homeopathic medicine is characterized by the principle of "like cures like"---in short, the homeopathic remedy for any condition is administration of a substance that would trigger similar symptoms in healthy individuals. Before engaging in a homeopathic cure for diabetes, note that the safety of many types of homeopathic treatments have not been fully studied, so beware.
Homeopathic Remedies for Diabetes
Understand the various medications that you might be prescribed for a homeopathic cure for type II diabetes. According to the homeopathic medicine site Hpathy.com, there are six major items that might be tried to cure diabetes: uranium nitrate, phosophoric acid, phosphorous, lactic acid, bryonia, and insulin. All of these are homeopathic treatments for diabetes. Note that you should not attempt to self-administer any of these items without the supervision of a homeopathic physician.
Homeopathic Diet
Supplement your homeopathic treatment with a carb-controlled diet to further treat the symptoms of type II diabetes. This means eating a diet that contains only slow-digesting carbs such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains while avoiding fast-digesting carbs like refined flour and sugars. Beyond carb control, you should always remember to eat a source of protein and unsaturated fat with meals, as this will help to increase the digestion time, further reducing the level of sugar in the blood.
Please note that improper management of type II diabetes can lead to a variety of undesirable consequences such as stroke, heart attack, coma and even death. Therefore, never attempt to use homeopathic remedies as a substitute for your physician-prescribed prescription medications. While you can certainly attempt to use homeopathic remedies in conjunction with conventional health care (with the consent of your physician), you should never abandon conventional medicine in an attempt to treat your condition strictly through homeopathic means.