How to Change the Code for a Onetouch Glucose Meter

The OneTouch meter device is a simple monitoring system for diabetics and health professionals. It allows diabetics to test their blood sugar levels throughout the day and keep a log of their results. Test results will display five seconds from the time the test strip draws in the blood sample. The code on the test strip vial must match the code on the monitor system in order for the diabetic to obtain accurate results. Changing the code is a simple process.

Things You'll Need

  • OneTouch blood glucose meter
  • OneTouch test strips
  • Vial container for test strips
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  1. How to Change the Code for a OneTouch Glucose Meter

    • 1

      Turn your meter on. Insert the test strip, contact bars facing you, into the test port at the top of the meter, as far as it will go. This will light the display. If you have used the meter before, a code number will appear. If you have not used the meter before, a flashing bar will appear.

    • 2

      Locate the code number on the test strip vial. It is located on the side of the vial in bold print. You must match the code on the meter with the code on the vial or the test strips will not work.

    • 3

      Press the "C" button on the device until you find the correct number. Once you have found it, the number will flash on the display briefly and then stop. The display will then go to the "apply blood" screen.

    • 4

      Test your blood. Before testing your blood, wash your hands. Place a new lancet into the lancet device and prick the area you wish to test. Most people prefer the side of the finger. Squeeze the prick until a droplet of blood appears.

    • 5

      Place the test strip to the blood droplet. The glucose in the blood sample will mix with the chemicals in the test strip to produce an electric current, which your meter reads. The meter calculates the glucose level and displays the results.

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