Freestyle Glucose Meter Instructions
Before Use
The freestyle glucose meter is available in various models, each of which has slightly different features, but all of which operate similarly. Before using the product, you must code the meter to match your strips so that the meter recognizes the strips and gives an accurate reading. Coding is a simple three-step procedure, and in some models coding is not required at all. Instructions vary slightly, but generally, you insert a test strip and make sure the serial numbers on the strip match the serial numbers on the display screen.
As with any such device, it is important to prepare for the reading by keeping materials such as alcohol swabs, testing strips and related paraphernalia on hand.
Take a Sample
Choose the spot on the body where you intend to take the sample. Use the lancet to lightly pierce the skin. To make the process even more painless, use a lancing device, which employs a spring and button. The next step is to lightly squeeze the skin at the location of the prick and let several drops of blood fall on the strip.
Take Your Reading
The testing strip has to be placed at the bottom of the meter. The freestyle meter turns on automatically when the test strip is inserted. It has four display screens showing the user what to do. When the screen prompts you to apply the sample, the drop of blood you collected has to be applied to the part of the strip that is outside of the meter. When the reading is complete, the machine beeps, signaling that the strip has to be taken out of the machine. The display screen then gives the reading.