What Are the Dangers of Grapefruit Seed Extract & Type 1 Diabetes?

Those with type 1 diabetes may seek natural treatment options and healthy additions to their diet. However, they also may overlook the negative side and dangers that grapefruit seed extract can bring to them.
  1. Type 1 Diabetes

    • People with type 1 diabetes need to take shots of insulin.

      Type 1 diabetes results in a person because of the body's failure to produce insulin. This causes a type 1 diabetic to take shots of insulin regularly.

    Grapefruit Extract

    • Grapefruit extract is a liquid that comes from the membranes, pulp and seeds of the grapefruit. This liquid has the ability to act as alternative medicines (antiviral and antibacterial).

    Dangers to Diabetics

    • Studies have shown that grapefruit extract may help individuals lose weight by decreasing the amount of insulin in the body. This is a huge danger to type 1 diabetics because they already don't produce enough or any insulin.

    Other Dangers

    • Grapefruit seed extract may also have a negative effect on allergies, and may irritate the skin or eyes.


    • If you are a diabetic and are interested in using grapefruit seed extract, please seek professional advice immediately.

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