What Is Type1 diabetes?
Diabetes Types
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the body producing little or no insulin, whereas Type 2 is characterized by insulin production being insufficient for the body or the body being unable to utilize insulin.
Common symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include increased thirst and frequent urination. Other, less noticeable, symptoms include fatigue and irritability.
Patients most commonly inject themselves with insulin or use an insulin pump to maintain proper levels of insulin.
Daily Life
Regular excerise can help maintain weight and lessen the effects of diabetes. Patients must test their glucose levels daily and adjust their diet by counting carbohydrates and sugars. Doctors encourage regular exercise in order to maintain ideal weight.
Juvenile Diabetes
Type 1, which can manifest at any age, used to be called "juvenile diabetes" to distinguish it from Type 2 diabetes, which was once known as adult-onset diabetes but which is now common in children as well as in adults. According to the American Diabetes Association, "About one in every 400 to 600 children and adolescents has Type 1 diabetes."
Risk Factors
The causes of Type 1 diabetes are not known, but risk factors include having a family history of the disease. Babies with respiratory infections are also at a higher risk.