How to Quickly Lower Blood Glucose
Hydrate with water and other sugar-free beverages. Drinking adequate water will help bring down blood sugar if you have been at all dehydrated. Drink water, iced tea, sugar-free lemonade or any sugar-free beverage.
Add extra exercise to your day. Add another walk, jog or other vigorous exercise as soon as your blood sugar checks high on your glucometer, especially if you have been lax lately in keeping up with physical activity.
Try cinnamon. A December 2003 study, cited in "Diabetes Care," concluded that cinnamon can reduce serum glucose (blood sugar) in people with type 2 diabetes. Study groups received 1, 3 or 6 grams of cinnamon per day. All three groups experienced lowered blood sugar. Cinnamon comes in pill form, or you can just sprinkle a good amount of cinnamon spice on a cracker.
Consider taking a chromium picolinate tablet. In a 2006 six-year follow-up study of 1,056 patients with type 2 diabetes, researchers showed that chromium picolinate improved blood glucose. This study also pointed to the long-term benefits of taking chromium as well as cinnamon. Ask your doctor how much chromium you should take.
Do yoga, meditation or relaxation exercises to reduce your stress. Anxiety and turmoil in your daily life can have a negative effect on your blood sugar. Do calming activities, and your blood sugar may come down.