The Cost for Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is usually controlled with diet, exercise, insulin or other oral medication to keep the blood sugar levels in the healthy range. Type 2 diabetes occurs more frequently in older people and especially in the elderly.
  1. Diet and Exercise

    • Some sufferers of diabetes manage to keep their diabetes under control with a proper healthy diet and exercise. Walking might be the best form of exercise for someone suffering from diabetes and, of course, it's free.

    Rising Costs of Diabetes Type2 Medication

    • There is big concern about the massive increase in the cost of medication for diabetes. Over a period of six years, spending on these medications has nearly doubled. The new types of drugs that doctors prescribe the most often are a lot more expensive than earlier drugs.

    Metformin versus Avandia

    • Avandia is a new drug that is much more costly than the previously preferred Metformin. While Metformin is a mere $30 a month, Avandia costs about $225.

    Effectiveness of the Newer Drugs

    • While most new diabetes type 2 drugs are far more expensive than the older drugs, researchers found that they are not necessarily more effective than the older trusted drugs, according to a study reported by MSNBC in 2008. They actually found some of the newer drugs to be less effective.

    Total Cost for Americans

    • In 2007, Americans spent $12.5 billion on treatment medication for diabetes type 2.

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