How to Fast For a Diabetes Test
Things You'll Need
- Blood glucose meter
Eat as you normally would on the day before the test, with a balanced diet of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean cuts of meat. Avoid adding extra sugar, but do not intentionally avoid them for the sake of the test
After midnight the night before the test, avoid eating or drinking anything except for water. If the test is in the morning you will have to refrain from eating for about 14 hours prior to the test, which means your last meal would fall around 6 or 7 p.m.
Get to the doctor's office on time. Your blood glucose will continue to drop until you eat and to get an accurate reading the test must be taken on time. Make sure that you are punctual and ready for the test when you get there.
If the results of the test seem abnormally high or low, schedule a second test to get more information on what exactly may be disturbing your blood glucose level. You will have to fast again for the second test, so you should typically schedule in at least a few days away so that your body has time to return to homeostasis.
If at any time during the fast you feel dizzy or light-headed, eat a small snack and contact your doctor immediately. They may still have you come in for a test, but you should make another appointment to have your blood glucose checked either way.