Myths About Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Facts
According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes causes more deaths annually than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Diabetes can lead to many complications, including heart attack and stroke.
Myths about Causes
Many people believe that you can get diabetes from being overweight or from eating too much sugar. Another myth is that diabetes is contagious. Type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. It is not caused from being overweight, eating too much sugar or being exposed to the disease.
Myths about Diet
A common myth is that diabetics can't eat any sugar, or that you have to eat special diabetic foods. If you are diabetic, you need to follow the same healthy diet as everyone else. Your diet should be low in fat and moderate in salt, sugar and portion size.
Myths about Prognosis
It is a myth that all diabetics eventually go blind, or that you can't participate in sports, or that you are more susceptible to illness than other people.
A very dangerous myth about diabetes is that it isn't that serious. Diabetes is a serious illness that can lead to life-threatening complications. It needs to be taken seriously by patients and their families.