How to Prevent Spikes in Glucose
Things You'll Need
- Foods high in fiber and protein
- Ginseng
- Glucose meter
Watch what you eat. Foods high in fiber and protein allow the glucose to travel into the bloodstream at a steady rate, keeping the glucose levels constant. Stay away from foods that are highly processed and full of starches as they are too quickly absorbed, which raises your blood sugar level.
Eat smaller meals throughout the day. When you eat smaller portion sizes, it should keep glucose levels consistent.
Add ginseng to your diet. A study performed by the University of Toronto showed that blood glucose levels were lowered by 18 to 22 percent after taking 1 to 3 grams of ginseng powder. Ginseng slows the digestion of food, increasing the absorption of glucose by the body's cells.
Test your glucose. By using a meter before meal times and when you are about to go to sleep, you can keep an eye on your glucose levels and see what causes your blood sugar to rise and fall. The desired glucose range before meals is 80 to 120 mg/dL, and at bedtime, 100 to 140 mg/dL.
See a doctor. He can determine the best actions to lower your glucose levels, and might prescribe medications if your case warrants it. There are several prescription drugs on the market to help lower glucose levels. Your doctor will also be able to check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which should be checked at least once a year.
Exercise. Physical activity helps to lower your glucose levels and prevents heart attack and stroke.