Actos Weight Loss
If you, or someone you know, has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, then Actos could be a medicinal aid to help regulate blood sugar levels. Discuss Actos and other options with your doctor to see if it would be a good support against the disease. Managing high glucose levels can help prevent many diabetes-related medical conditions, including kidney and heart disease, circulatory issues, blindness, impotence and strokes.
Some people should not take Actos for their diabetes treatment. People with Type 1 diabetes are advised against taking Actos, as are those who regularly experience diabetic ketoacidosis. If you currently have or think you may have liver disease, then Actos may not be for you. Those who are at high-risk for stroke or heart disease or already have congestive heart failure, should discuss Actos with their doctor.
Common Side Effects
There are various common side effects associated with this Type 2 diabetes medicine. These side effects tend to go away on their own, but if you experience any of them and find them to be particularly troublesome or long-lasting, you need to consult your doctor. They include vision changes, blurry vision, urinating with more frequency, elevated thirst, increased hunger, sweating, stomach pain, dry mouth, flushing, dry skin, breath that smells fruity, muscle soreness or ached, teeth problems, stuffy or runny nose, coughing, consciousness loss and headaches. With Actos, abnormal and unusual weight loss is also a possible side effect. If you are experiencing weight loss that is not explainable, you need to notify your doctor immediately.