Gout Treatment for a Diabetic
High-Purine Foods
Foods that contain high levels of purines are responsible for higher levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. Purines are a naturally occurring compound in almost every food that you eat, but some foods have significantly higher levels that result in a buildup in the body. Protein sources such as meat, especially organ meats, are very high in purines.
Diabetic patients face a unique challenge with a diet that is low in purine-rich foods. These patients must monitor their carbohydrate count while also monitoring their intake of protein for gout treatment.
Exercise benefits both conditions. You should get at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise four or five days a week to help with circulation. Gout is usually in the foot or toes, and exercise improves circulation in these areas, which helps with the buildup of excess uric acid. It may be difficult to exercise during a gout attack, but exercise is an effective way to prevent a future attack.
Exercise also helps decrease blood sugar, in many cases. Monitor your blood glucose levels before and after exercising to determine how your blood sugar is affected by your exercise routine. Also, discuss your workout plans with your doctor to make sure that you are capable of the exercise. She can recommend the best exercise for you as well.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal treatments that improve circulation benefit both diabetic and gout patients. Garlic is well known for its health benefits including those involving circulation. Take a daily garlic supplement or simply use more garlic in cooking.
Other herbal remedies that improve your circulation are cayenne pepper, ginkgo biloba and ginger. Consult with your doctor before using herbal medicines or supplements. Most herbal medicines do not cause problems, but there could be a negative interaction between some herbal remedies and prescription medication.