Government Programs That Help With Diabetes Supplies
Medicare and Medicaid
These are the most popular government programs that can help diabetics. Medicare is available as health insurance to those 65 and older. Medicaid is a state-run program that assists those with little to no resources and minimal income. Eligibility differs from state to state, so check with your social services or welfare office. If you are eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, you may have coverage for medication, as well as supplies such as glucose tests, glucometers, lancets and test strips. You can call 1-800-MEDICARE for both programs to find out what your state will cover.
The Partnership for Prescription Assistance program helps qualified patients receive their medicine for free or nearly free. According to its website, the partnership functions as a single point of access to more than 475 public and private programs. Those with diabetes should inquire about which one is best for them.
Children With Diabetes
If your child is diabetic, there are specific state programs that can be used for free or low-cost health insurance. In most cases, they cover costs associated with diabetes. Each program is available through the Children's Health Insurance Program for low-income families that do not meet Medicaid requirements. Children under 19 are eligible for free or low-cost coverage.
Find a Clinic
You can go to to find a list of facilities obligated to provide free or reduced-cost health care. A host of clinics, hospitals and other health-care facilities participate in the Hill Burton program, which funds these facilities in exchange for services within the community.
Another option is to ask your physician for advice or suggestions on diabetic programs. Your doctor may know of an assistance program suited to your needs or be able to provide free samples of medicines for diabetes.