How to Fast With a Diabetic Diet
Things You'll Need
- Portable blood sugar monitor/tester
Consult your physician to gain his advice on the soundness of your suggested fasting protocol. He might recommend that you alter your dosage of medications during the fast, or place you on a modified diet to help your body better cope with the experience. Regardless, follow his advice conscientiously to garner the best results from your fast. Finally, note that the American Diabetes Association does not approve of fasting for people with Type 2 diabetes, so proceed at your own risk.
Only consume food that complies strictly with your diabetic diet during non-fasting periods. For example, during the religious month of Ramadan, fasting is limited from sunup to sundown---before and after this time meals can be consumed. If your fasting schedule allows you to eat at certain times, only consume foods that will have a nominal effect on your blood sugar, including vegetables, fruits and lean meats. This will reduce your chances of developing diabetic symptoms and blood-sugar crashes during the fasting period.
Monitor your blood sugar levels several times throughout the day while you are fasting. Be prepared to break your fast slightly if you find that your blood sugar has dropped to dangerously low levels. If this is the case, break your fast to consume a quick snack to normalize your blood sugar---a piece or two of fruit or a glass of natural fruit juice is usually sufficient to get your body back on track. Remember that your overall health supersedes whatever benefits you believe fasting will bring, so do not be afraid to compromise or call off your fast if you experience adverse effects.