What Are Considered High Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels?
Time Frame
Blood glucose tends to be high after a meal, even in non-diabetics. The best time to measure blood sugar levels is right before breakfast, when you've fasted for many hours due to sleep.
The pancreas secretes insulin to tell the body's tissues to absorb the glucose in the bloodstream. If the pancreas is too damaged to produce enough insulin, glucose remains in the bloodstream and causes damage to the body.
Normal fasting blood sugar levels range from 70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl. Pre-diabetics have fasting blood sugar levels from 100 mg/dl to 125 mg/dl. Anyone with fasting blood sugar levels over 125 mg/dl is considered a diabetic.
Stress, excess sugar, obesity and lack of exercise contribute to high blood sugar levels.
Exercise, weight loss and consuming fewer carbohydrates all help to lower blood sugar levels. Less glucose reduces the amount of insulin needed by the pancreas to do the job.
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