Define Preprandial Glucose
The lowest preprandial glucose reading usually occurs just before the first meal of the day. Sleep extends the period of time since your previous meal.
Preprandial glucose readings below 100 mg/dl indicate somebody who does not have diabetes. Fasting glucose readings between 100 mg/dl and 125 mg/dl indicate somebody who is pre-diabetic. Anyone with blood glucose readings over 125 mg/dl is considered a diabetic.
Time Frame
In a non-diabetic, it takes about two hours to return blood glucose levels to below 140 mg/dl after a meal. For diabetics, the time it takes to return to preprandial glucose levels varies depending on the severity of the diabetes.
The longer it takes for blood sugar levels to return to preprandial levels after a meal, the more damage is being done by high blood sugars.
Eating less sugar lowers the preprandial glucose over time and reduces the chances of long-term complications from diabetes.