Is Hyperinsulinemia Related to Diabetes?
Glucose in the bloodstream comes from the foods that we eat. The pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin that bonds with the glucose and provides the body with energy.
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin. The pancreas in type 2 diabetics produces insulin, but the body is unable to process it efficiently. Many type 2 diabetics have a condition called insulin resistance where the body is resistant to the effects of the insulin that is produced. The National Insulin Resistance Council estimates that one out of 10 people in the United States are insulin resistant.
Hyperinsulinemia can be caused by pancreatic tumors or an excess of
insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Most often it is caused by insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics.
As glucose enters the bloodstream of someone affected by insulin resistance, the pancreas is stimulated to secrete insulin. Since the insulin does not bond properly with the blood glucose, the pancreas creates more and more insulin to compensate, possibly leading to hyperinsulinemia.
Excessive amounts of insulin in the bloodstream raises blood pressure and wreaks havoc on cholesterol levels leading to a high risk of heart attack.