Is Type 2 Diabetes Inherited?
The leading cause of type 2 diabetes is obesity and lack of exercise. Since we often inherit lifestyle as well as genes from our parents, type 2 diabetes can cluster in families even if no genetics are involved.
A mutation in the beta3-adrenergic receptor gene called TRP64ARG has been identified as a cause of diabetes. This gene determines how fast the body burns fat while resting. People with the TRP64ARG mutation tend to be obese and commonly develop type 2 diabetes.
Ethnic Groups
The TRP64ARG mutation is found approximately four times more in Pima Indians, and 1 1/2 times more in Mexicans and African Americans. All three ethnic groups have higher than normal rates of type 2 diabetes.
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing for type 2 diabetes is not available because there are so many genes involved. A person could inherit one gene that places them at higher risk, but several others that place them at lower risk.
Families at high risk for type 2 diabetes should maintain healthy diets and exercise frequently. They should have their doctors perform a fasting glucose test or glucose tolerance test at least once every three years to see if they have developed the disease.