How to Inject Using the Novolin Insulin Pen
Things You'll Need
- Novolin insulin pen
- Alcohol wipes
- Sharps container
Preparing the pen for use
Remove the pen from the case and carefully remove the cap. Use a slight twisting motion to loosen it and then pull straight up to remove it.
Unscrew and remove the cartridge holder from the pen. Turn the cartridge counterclockwise to remove it.
Verify that the dose indicator shows 0 in the window by pressing the dosing button all the way down. The 0 should line up with the white indicator line in the window.
Check the piston rod in the pen barrel and verify that it is flush and not sticking out at all. If it is sticking out, turn the mechanism clockwise until it is flush.
Remove the pen-fill cartridge from the protective packaging. Verify that it is full and free from damage. Check the insulin to be sure it is clear and contains no debris.
Insert the pen fill cartridge into the cartridge holder. The plastic tip on the pen fill cartridge should slide in so it sits in the narrow part of the cartridge holder.
Attach the cartridge holder to the Novolin pen by screwing it on using a clockwise motion. Make sure it is tight, but do not overtighten it. Finger-tight is plenty for this.
Wipe the rubber stopper at the end of the pen with an alcohol wipe. Remove the pen needle from the protective packaging and screw it onto the pen.
Doing An Air Shot
Turn the dose selector to two units. This will ensure you have enough to clear the needle without wasting much insulin.
Pull off the outer needle cap and set it aside. Remove the inner needle cap and throw it away.
Hold the Novolin pen so the needle is facing up. Tap the cartridge to help move the air bubble to the top of the cartridge.
Depress the dosing button fully and watch to see that insulin comes out the end of the needle. If it does not, repeat the procedure until it does.
Injecting The Insulin
Select the required dose of insulin in the window. Dial slightly beyond the dosage and back to the dose you require.
Select the desired site on your abdomen, thigh, or back of the upper arm and clean it with an alcohol wipe. This will help you avoid any infection when injecting your insulin.
Pinch the skin slightly and insert the needle straight into the folded skin. Depress and hold the injector button while counting to 10.
Remove the needle from the skin and verify that the dose indicator has returned to zero.
Replace the outer needle cover and remove the needle from the pen. Discard the needle into a Sharps or puncture-resistant container.