How to Lower Fasting Glucose
Things You'll Need
- Insulin
- Blood sugar monitor
- Ketone test strips
Measure your blood glucose level just before a meal. The fasting blood glucose level is normally between 90 and 130 milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood (mg/dl). A fasting blood glucose level greater than 130 mg/dl may be considered hyperglycemic.
Reduce your intake of simple sugars. Foods that contain simple sugars like table sugar are especially undesirable if you're hyperglycemic. These sugars break down into glucose very quickly and therefore cause your blood glucose level to rise sharply. Your doctor may recommend that you completely eliminate sugar from your diet if you're severely hyperglycemic.
Eat more fiber. Dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables can lower your fasting blood glucose level. You should get up to 50 grams of fiber each day.
Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise like brisk walking, cycling and running requires a great deal of energy which reduces the level of glucose in your blood. However, you should avoid exercise if your blood glucose level is above 240 mg/dl and your urine contains ketones.
Lower your blood glucose level with insulin. Insulin causes your cells to absorb glucose from the blood and should lower your blood glucose level very quickly. You should learn to inject yourself with insulin if you're diabetic and your family members may also need to administer insulin in an emergency.