Prediabetes Alternative Treatment
Studies show a correlation between ginseng and diabetes control. Most studies have used North American ginseng and have shown that it may help control blood sugar and a form of hemoglobin known as glycosylated hemoglobin. Because normalizing blood sugar levels is a critical component of reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, ginseng looks promising as a potential strategy. One study done in the United Kingdom tested subjects who consumed ginseng and fiber, and all showed a "notable" reduction in glucose levels. Ginseng appears to have stronger effects than some medication and can serve as a complement to traditional treatments.
A few studies have been done on the effects of cinnamon on blood sugar, and results have been positive. One study used a group of 60 participants divided into six groups. Three consumed varying amounts of cinnamon per day, while three were given placebos. After a little more than a month, all three doses were shown to reduce significantly not only fasting blood glucose but also triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and overall cholesterol.
Aloe Vera
More often associated with treating sunburns, aloe vera is a naturally occurring plant that has long been associated with healing and immune system balance. Though studies are limited, they suggest that aloe may help control diabetes. One study from Thailand consisted of 72 people, 39 of whom ingested a tablespoon of aloe vera juice per day for six weeks. Of that group, the average blood sugar level declined about 43 percent, while the blood sugar level of the control group, which didn't receive aloe, increased more than 2 percent over the same period. This study also identified five compounds known as plant sterols that the researchers believe link aloe to diabetes risk reduction.