How to Use the Lantus Pen
Things You'll Need
- Lantus OptiClik pen
- OptiClik pen needles
- Alcohol wipes
- Sharps container
Prepare to use the pen
Check the Lantus cartridge to make sure it hasn't passed the printed expiration date, is clear in color and has no particles in it.
Remove the cap and wipe the rubber seal on the pen with an alcohol wipe.
Remove a new needle from the protective packaging, line it up on the pen and screw it into place. Be sure to keep the needle straight as you screw it on.
Perform a safety check
Remove the outer cover from the needle and set it aside. You will reuse this to take off the needle.
Remove the inner needle cover and discard it.
Hold the pen upright so any air bubbles rise to the top near the needle. This will help remove the air from the pen and ensure that the dosage is correct.
Dial a two-unit dose on the selector and press the injector button. Insulin should come out of the needle. If it doesn't, repeat this test until it does.
Injecting Lantus
Verify that the dose selector reads 0. Turn the selector slightly beyond the required dose and then dial back to the required dosage.
Select an injection site on your abdomen, thigh or upper arm. Clean the site with an alcohol wipe.
Pinch the skin at the injection site and insert the needle there. Inserting the needle straight down from the top of the skin is the best way to get the depth needed for the insulin.
Press the injector button all the way down. The dose in the window should change to 0 as the dose is delivered.
Hold the pen in place and count to 10. This will allow the full dose to be delivered. Gently remove the needle from the skin.
Recap the needle using the outer needle cover and carefully unscrew the needle from the pen. The needle should be discarded into a sharps container and should never be reused.
Put the cover back on the pen and store it safely until needed for the next injection.