How to Avoid a Delayed Onset of Diabetes
Eat a healthy high fiber diet. The types of food you consume can have a large impact on body weight and the development of diabetes. Fiber helps control the body's blood sugar, so consuming high fiber foods like whole grains and berries can help prevent type 2 diabetes. Avoid foods that contain high amounts of fats, especially saturated fats, and avoid foods with high amounts of processed sugars like soft drinks, candy and other sweets.
Increase your level of physical activity, focusing on aerobic fitness. Physical activity plays an essential role in burning excess calories and lowering cholesterol. Higher levels of physical activity are strongly associated with reduced occurrence of delayed onset diabetes. Try to fit at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your schedule three or four times a week. Good aerobic activities include running, cycling, swimming and brisk walking.
Shed excess body weight. Even losing a few pounds of body fat may help delay or prevent diabetes. Pursuing a healthy diet and being more physically active should help put downward pressure on your body weight, but you may need to make an extra effort to lose weight. The best way to shed some extra body fat is by stepping up the intensity or duration of your workouts.
Maintain your healthy lifestyle choices. It is easy to stay true to a fitness plan or a diet plan for a week or two, but in order to prevent diabetes, healthy lifestyle choices must be pursued consistently over the course of your life. Make your fitness and dieting a part of your daily routine; when health decisions become habits it is much easier to maintain them without feeling like you are putting forth a conscious effort.