How to Check an A1C

For people with diabetes, the A1C test tells both patient and physician how well the patient is managing her diabetes over time. Monitoring A1C values regularly is important because you can reduce the risk of complications from diabetes by keeping A1C values close to the goal your physician has set for you.

The A1C test measures of the amount of glycated hemoglobin that is bound to your red blood cells. The A1C value represents your average blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months.

You can get your A1C checked three ways: get a test ordered by a physician, do a home test with instant results, or do a home test and mail the blood sample to a lab.


  1. Physician-Ordered Test

    • 1

      Make an appointment with your physician. Physicians who typically order A1C tests include primary care physicians, internal medicine specialists and endocrinologists. Tell the receptionist that you want an A1C test.

    • 2

      Wear a shirt that has loose or short sleeves to your appointment. A medical technician will draw blood from your arm, so you will need to roll up your sleeve.

    • 3

      Receive the test results from your physician. Your physician will tell you what the result is and explain what it means. If you do not hear from the physician within about one week, call the physician's office to check on the status of your A1C test.

    Home Test With Instant Results

    • 4

      Buy a home test kit. As of late 2009, home A1C test kits that give instant results are only available through mail order.

    • 5

      Read the entire package directions carefully before performing the test.

    • 6

      Perform the test.

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      Wait about 5 minutes for the results.

    • 8

      Read the test results.

    Home Test With Lab Results

    • 9

      Buy a home test kit. This type of test kit can be purchased at a local drug store.

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      Read the entire package directions carefully before performing the test.

    • 11

      Perform the test.

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      Package up the sample as directed.

    • 13

      Mail the sample to the lab.

    • 14

      Wait for test results to arrive in the mail. If you do not receive the results within a short time, contact the test manufacturer's customer service department to check on the status of your A1C test.

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