How to Use a Meter to Test Blood Sugar
Things You'll Need
- Glucose monitor
- Test strips that match the monitor
- Lancet
- Alcohol wipes (optional)
Wash your hands with warm soapy water. Select a finger for testing. You should use the side of the fingertip near the nail, not the pad of the finger that's used most often in everyday activities. Swipe the finger with an alcohol wipe, if desired, and allow to dry.
Turn on the monitor and insert a test strip. Wait for the monitor to indicate that it's ready to accept blood; this can be an icon on the screen of a test strip with a blood drop, or other method as indicated by the manufacturer's instructions.
Hold your hand below the level of your heart. Using the lancet, pierce the side of your finger and gently squeeze or massage the finger until a drop of blood appears. The amount of blood needed for the test strip varies by manufacturer.
Holding the monitor with your other hand, touch the side of the strip to the blood drop until the blood is sucked onto the strip. Do not "wipe" the blood with the test strip. The monitor will beep, blink or otherwise indicate that enough blood is received.
Wait for the monitor to register the blood glucose level. If an error message is received, try again with a new test strip, another finger and a larger blood sample. If the monitor does not save glucose readings, mark the number down in a log to show your health care provider. Use gauze or another alcohol wipe on the finger to stop the bleeding, if necessary.