How to Inject Lantus
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Water
- Lantus vial
- Cotton swab
- Rubbing alcohol
- Syringe
Preparing Your Injection
Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water to help prevent the spread of bacteria.
Examine the Lantus vial and verify that the insulin is colorless and clear. If you notice any particles, or if the vial appears cloudy, dispose of it and use a new vial of Lantus.
Remove the protective cap on the Lantus vial, but do not remove the rubber stopper.
Use a cotton swap soaked in rubbing alcohol to wipe the rubber stopper.
Open a new syringe and draw enough air into it to equal your Lantus dosage.
Insert the needle into the rubber stopper and press the plunger until all of the air is injected into the vial. Leave the syringe in the vial.
Turn the vial upside down and pull the plunger to withdraw your correct dosage of Lantus. Before removing the syringe, check for any air bubbles. Tap the side of the syringe to force any air bubbles to the top and then push the plunger to eject the air.
Remove the syringe from the vial, being careful to avoid letting it touch anything.
Administering Your Injection
Pick either your upper arm, thigh or abdomen to inject the Lantus.
Use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to clean the injection site thoroughly.
Pinch your skin where you are going to inject the Lantus and slowly insert the needle.
Push the plunger slowly until all of the Lantus has been injected. Allow the needle to remain in your skin for about 10 seconds.
Remove the needle by pulling straight out and then immediately apply gentle pressure to the injection site. Avoid rubbing to prevent the area from becoming inflamed.