How to Reduce Natural Blood Sugar
Things You'll Need
- Insulin
- Blood sugar monitor
- Ketone strip test
Measure your blood sugar when it's at its highest level, usually two hours after a meal. Hyperglycemia is generally defined as a blood sugar level of least 180 mg glucose per deciliter of blood (mg/dl). However, a high blood sugar level may not actually cause any symptoms until it reaches at least 270 mg/dl.
Eat smaller meals and restrict your intake of simple sugars. Simple sugars are especially hazardous for diabetics because they are broken down very quickly and cause a blood sugar "spike". People who are severely diabetic may need to completely avoid simple sugars. They may also need to monitor their consumption of complex carbohydrates (starches).
Consume more fiber. Eat at least 50 g of dietary fiber each day to control your blood sugar level. Fruits and vegetables are common sources of fiber.
Reduce your blood sugar level with insulin. An insulin injection will metabolize blood sugar and lower your glucose level very quickly. Diabetics should be able to self-inject insulin, although a health care provider may also perform this service in an emergency.
Engage in prolonged exercise. Exercise will increase the rate at which your body uses sugar as an energy source and will lower your blood sugar level. Refrain from exercise if your blood sugar level is greater than 240 mg/dl and your urine contains ketones.