Light Therapy for Neuropathy
Anodyne Light Therapy for neuropathy is a relatively new treatment that has just begun to enter the scientific field of research. The therapy can improve diabetic neuropathy if given a chance, but support and research to back its use have been inconclusive and conflicting.
Understanding Light Therapy
Research and understand light therapy before you decide to use it for diabetic neuropathy. Anodyne Light Therapy uses monochromatic infrared energy (MIRE) to relieve pain in the feet of those suffering from neuropathy.
The therapy is applied to the feet by a device that uses light energy pads. These small pads contain light-emitting diodes designed to transfer energy from the device to the foot. In turn, this energy increases circulation and blood flow to the foot, which improves symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
More information about this type of light therapy for diabetic neuropathy can be found in scientific journals, and medical professionals should be knowledgeable about this technology as well.
Studies on Light Therapy
Read scientific research, published studies and professional testimonials on light therapy for neuropathy in order to form your own opinion on whether it should be used in your case. Even though there are a handful of official scientific studies on the effectiveness of light therapy for neuropathy, the support for it has been sparse and conclusive research is still needed.
For example, one widely referred to study published in Diabetic Care concludes that light therapy is no more effective than a placebo treatment for neuropathy. On the other hand, several cases of anecdotal evidence, even from some medical professionals themselves, have been reported, such as evidence revealed in a 2007 issue of BioMechanics. In it, Dr. David Arnall makes the case that light therapy is effective for diabetic neuropathy, as he personally used the therapy to improve sensations in his own feet. In addition, he conducted a small yet conclusive 22-patient study in 2004 that resulted in significant improvements in diabetic neuropathy for all patients who were given light therapy treatments.
Light Therapy Treatment
Anodyne Light Therapy treatments can take place in a doctor's office or at home. If used at a doctor's office, treatments usually will be several times a week for three to four consecutive weeks, depending on how an individual responds to treatment.
Light therapy products can be used at home as well. Your doctor should be able to equip you with a light therapy device kit. In addition, Anodyne Light Therapy home kits can be purchased at specific pharmacies and medical supply stores.