The Role That Exercise Plays in the Treatment of Obesity & Diabetes
Obesity is an extreme excess of body fat (30 pounds or more above ideal weight). This excess increases a person's risk of high blood pressure, high levels of LDL cholesterol, heart disease and stroke, as well as diabetes.
In all four major types of diabetes, the body is either unable to produce or make appropriate use of insulin. Insulin is the hormone required to convert sugar into energy. Without it the body cannot regulate blood sugar levels, which can lead to such health complications as kidney disease, blindness, heart disease and stroke, nerve damage, or poor blood flow in the feet--which can lead to amputation.
Association between Obesity and Diabetes
Obesity is caused by regularly consuming more calories than the body burns. This usually means a diet rich in empty-calorie foods, which not only contribute to weight gain, but often tend to spike blood sugar levels that, overtime, causes insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes).
Benefits of Exercise
Aerobic exercise helps to control blood sugar levels, promotes fat burning and increases cardiac fitness. Resistance training builds muscle (which burns fat) and works to improve insulin sensitivity.
Persons with diabetes or obesity should consult with a physician before beginning an exercise program, particularly if there is any additional health complication associated with these disorders.