The Best Ways to Reverse Neuropathy
Poor control of blood-sugar levels can damage nerve fibers, but the reason why this happens is not clear.
Peripheral neuropathy is the most commonly diagnosed form of diabetic neuropathy, most often affecting the feet and legs. Symptoms can include:
--Numb feeling in your feet, with inability to feel pain, cold or heat.
--Ulcers, infections, pain in the bones and joints of the foot.
--Sensitivity to the lightest touch. Even the weight of your sheet can cause severe pain.
--A tingling sensation in the toes or balls of your feet.
--Balance and coordination problems.
Your doctor performs a physical examination and takes your medical history. A nerve conduction test may be performed to measure how fast the nerves in your arms and legs conduct electrical signals.
According to the American Diabetes Association, "every diabetic should have a yearly foot exam by their doctor or podiatrist to check for blisters, cracks, sores, or bone and joint abnormalities."
Keeping blood-sugar levels within normal ranges can keep peripheral neuropathy from getting worse, and may improve current symptoms.
To help slow damage to nerves:
--Eat a healthy diet.
--Exercise regularly.
--Keep your weight under control.
--Avoid smoking.
--Maintain a normal blood pressure.
--Avoid alcohol or consume according to your doctor's instructions.
--Take care of your feet according to your doctor's instructions.
Finding the appropriate medications to relieve pain can be difficult, and the benefits and side effects should be discussed with your doctor.
Anti-seizure medications can also relieve the pain of neuropathy, but you may experience drowsiness and dizziness.
Anti-depressants interfere with chemical processes in the brain that cause pain, but side effects are numerous. Fluoxetine doesn't have as many side effects, and still effectively relieves pain. Fluoxetine may cause restlessness, or a rash at the affected site.
A lidocaine patch uses the topical anesthetic lidocaine to ease pain at the affected area. Lidocaine may cause a rash in some people.
Other Therapies
TENS unit: Your doctor may prescribe a TENS unit, which may prevent pain signals from reaching the brain by delivering electrical impulses to specific nerves through small electrodes placed on your skin. Not everyone will experience pain relief with a TENS unit.
Hypnosis: Hypnosis is performed by a trained professional, and you're given suggestions about changing the way you respond to pain. In order for the session to be successful, you have to be a willing participant, and not everyone can be easily hypnotized.