What Are the Normal A1c Levels for Children?
A child without diabetes normally will have an A1c between 4 and 6 percent.
Insulin is the hormone that helps glucose enter body cells. A child with Type 1 diabetes no longer produces enough natural insulin, so he needs insulin injections. If he receives too little insulin for the glucose he's ingested, his A1c will rise.
The American Diabetes Association recommends age-specific ranges for A1c in children with diabetes. For those under 6, the goal is 7.5 to 8.5 percent; 6- to 12-year-olds should stay under 8 percent; those 13 to 19 should stay below 7.5 percent.
Since A1c levels vary somewhat depending on which lab does the test, it's important to know your lab's normal range.
Clinicians use a table to translate the child's A1c into an average blood glucose level. An A1c of 4 to 6 percent--the range for children without diabetes--indicates blood glucose between 65 and135 grams. If an 8-year-old has an A1c of 8 percent, his average blood glucose is 205. Values above that are too high.
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