Studies About Diabetes
American Diabetes Association Research
In 2008, the American Diabetes Association provided $42.5 million for diabetes research. The ADA funds several smaller studies with a focus on innovation in diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Forefront, the association's magazine, showcases each year's research advancements.
Schulze Diabetes Institute
In December 2008, Richard Schulze, the founder of Best Buy, and his family pleged $40 million to the University of Minnesota for diabetes research. The University of Minnesota study focuses on the transplantation of the pancreas, the organ responsible for producing insulin.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, JDRF, focuses primarily on type 1, or juvenile, diabetes. JDRF offers money for individual researchers and labs to pursue a study related to replacement, complications, autoimmunity, control or regeneration.
Diabetes Research Institute
The Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) works with universities as well as private companies to find a cure for diabetes. Since the 1970s, DRI has worked internationally and is focused completely on finding a cure.
Joslin Diabetes Research Center
The Joslin Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center aims to develop young scientists while covering new ground in diabetes research. The center promotes research from many disciplines, including mental health, obesity, cell biology and genetics.