What Do CBC, CMP & TSH Test Results Mean?
Complete Blood Count
A Complete Blood Count, or CBC, gives information regarding the number and kind of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. This information is used to diagnose conditions and disorders such as anemia or infection.
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
This routine test includes information about kidneys, liver, acid/base and electrolyte balance. The test is taken during physicals and checkups. The results are used to check for diabetes, liver and kidney disease.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Thyroid-stimulating hormone, or thyrotropin is used to check for hyper and hypothyroidism. It is commonly used to screen newborns and monitor infertility problems. It is usually ordered when someone has an enlarged thyroid gland and to monitor treatments.
A high value means a thyroid gland has some type of dysfunction. A low value indicates an overactive gland.
Fasting (for eight to 120 hours) is not necessary for TSH or CBC but is recommended for CMP.
For these tests, a doctor will need to draw a vial of blood from a vein in your arm. This can be done at most clinics or hospitals.