How to Calculate A1C Levels
Things You'll Need
- Blood glucose (reflectance) meter
Ensure you have a blood glucose (reflectance) meter.
Use the meter to measure the A1C levels in your blood.
Refer to the following chart, which converts your percentage A1C of your average blood glucose control over the course of two to three months of diabetes management. to mg/dl (U.S.) or mmol/dl (Europe):
A1C Level (%) mg/dl mmol/l
12 345 19.5
11 310 17.5
10 275 15.5
9 240 13.5
8 205 11.5
7 170 9.5
6 135 7.5
5 100 5.5
4 65 3.5
3 30 1.5The first column is the observed A1C glucose level as a percent of total hemoglobin, the second column is glucose level in milligrams per deciliter, and the third column is millimoles per liter. A millimole is 1/1000 of a mole, or 6.023*10^20 molecules, so that mmol/l is a molecular measure that can be converted to mg/dl if desired. Since the molecular weight of glucose is 180, mmol/l can be multiplied by 18 to obtain the level in mg/dl. Alternatively, mg/dl can be divided by 18 to obtain the level in mmol/l.
You can also use the following equation to calculate mg/dl directly:
mg/dl = A1C X 35 --75
Or, you can use this equation to calculate mmol/l directly:
mmol/dl = A1C X 2 -- 4.5