What Is the Meaning of Glucose?
Word Breakdown
In the word "glucose," the "gluc" part means sweet. The suffix "ose" at the end of many words indicates some type of sugar.
Sweet Greek Beginnings
Glucose also comes from the Greek gleukos meaning must or sweet wine. Gleukos comes from a former Greek word, glykys, meaning sweet. So essentially, glucose is an oxymoron because it means sweet sugar.
Tessellating Crystals
Glucose crystals have a star-like structure that tessellates (tiles, patterns) in a clockwise direction. It is available in a white powder like table sugar or in crystals like sugar cubes.
Abundant in Nature
Glucose occurs abundantly in nature in animals, plants, fungi and protists. Like any sugar, its makeup will always have a combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Synthesis of Glucose
Plant photosynthesis produces glucose. Bacteria produce glucose by chemosynthesis. Man-made glucose is made by hydrolyzing (breaking down using water) starch using enzymes.