How to Buy a Watch That Monitors Blood Glucose for Diabetics
Consult with your doctor to see if a glucose-monitoring wristwatch is right for you. This kind of monitoring system requires very little attention; you can set the watch to report hourly glucose levels automatically. If you suffer from a compounding condition that makes it more difficult to perform daily checks, such as Alzheimer's or ADHD, this method may be for you.
Go online and search for blood glucose meters. These meters are a non-invasive method of checking blood sugar levels, using ultrasound to measure your glucose. This has several advantages.
First, no blood is taken. It's also very convenient to have your glucose monitor with you at all times. You can adjust the setting of your watch for how frequently you want your glucose levels reported, or you can check your sugar levels manually.
The readings are thought to be just as reliable as finger sticks, another common monitoring device; however, understand that the glucose wristwatch is new technology that has yet to stand the test of time. The glucose wristwatch is less reliable if only because other methods have been used and improved upon for years with success.
Find a website that sells the GlucoWatch; it is the only glucose-monitoring wristwatch approved by the FDA.
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