Diabetes Effects on Society
Nearly 20 million people in the U.S. have some form of diabetes. The World Health Organization estimates that on a global scale, 25 million years of life are lost annually due to diabetes.
Diabetes causes many disabilities, including paralysis and amputation. Disabilities and chronic illness cause many people to lose their jobs and place a great financial burden on their families.
Diabetes requires people to take time off work or to lose valuable time from their education. Higher rates of chronically ill and disabled people reduces productivity in all sectors.
Increased Spending
According to Population Health Management, the U.S. spends $174 billion on diabetes medical expenses each year. Furthermore, undiagnosed diabetics cost an estimated $18 billion on an annual basis.
Diabetic Populations
Diabetes diagnosis continues to rise at an alarming rate due to a myriad of social factors, such as obesity and lack of exercise. Growing diabetic populations will increase the burden on U.S. health care systems and drive up health care costs for everyone.