Weight Loss & Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes generally occurs during adulthood and involves the body's inability to regulate glucose levels. Glucose fuels the body, so when it is not properly absorbed into the cells, the cells do not receive enough energy. Glucose builds up in the bloodstream and causes damage to the circulatory system, nerves and major organs.
If not properly treated, Type 2 diabetes can lead to stroke, heart attack, blindness, cardiovascular disease, amputations and death.
Weight Related Illness
There is a direct correlation between body weight and Type 2 diabetes. Being overweight is the No. 1 risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes. Overweight people have more fatty tissue, which reduces the cells' ability to respond to insulin. Furthermore, overweight people run an increased risk for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which compromise overall health.
A high Body Mass Index (BMI) also increases the likelihood of developing diabetes. People with a BMI of more than 25 are more likely to develop the condition. Visit your health care professional for a BMI test or you can test your BMI on the American Diabetes Association's website.
Excercise and Weight Loss
Losing weight is essential to maintaining control of diabetes and improving overall health. Physical activity and eating a healthier diet are keys to managing weight and maintaining health. It is recommended that you engage in 30 minutes of exercise activity three to five days per week to lose weight and manage diabetes.
Healthy Diet
In conjunction with regular exercise, a healthy diet has been shown to greatly reduce body weight. Consume low fat, low sodium foods and eat daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat lean cuts of meat, skinless poultry and fish; avoid fried foods. These dietary changes will help to lower your body weight and provide the energy needed to sustain your daily workout.
Weight Loss Surgery
In cases of extreme obesity, doctors may recommend weight loss surgery. Gastric bypass surgery induces rapid weight loss and is effective in the treatment of high blood pressure, sleep apnea and a host of other weight related illnesses. Gastric bypass surgery can eliminate Type 2 diabetes by helping the body regulate glucose levels. If your BMI is higher than 40, gastric bypass surgery may be a viable weight loss alternative.