Nutritional Supplements That Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
One way to enure good health is to create a healthy eating plan for yourself everyday. To maintain healthy blood sugar levels eat a lot of vegetables and low sugar fruits, which are berries, peaches, apples and melons. Legumes naturally lower your blood sugar which include lentils, peas and beans. Select low fat dairy products that are low unsaturated fats, and eat fish at least twice a week with its omega-3 fatty acids.
Cinnamon has become a popular addition to a blood sugar-lowering diet. It is easy to use and can be sprinkled on cereal, added to drinks and incorporated in many dishes. Cinnamon must be taken daily, and should you not be a great fan you can get your daily dose in a capsule.
According to, chromium can be helpful with your body's response to insulin. Many people with diabetes have a low chromium level in their blood. Chromium is found in some foods though generally in small amounts. These foods are grain products, vegetables, spices and some fruits. Many chromium picolinate dietary supplements are on the market. Adequate safe dosage is a supplement of 50 to 200mcg, according to the National Research Council.
According to the website, many people with diabetes have very low zinc levels. Zinc plays an important part in the production of insulin, as well as in the storage of it. Several foods contain zinc, such as lamb, oysters, pecans and sardines. You will find zinc in many different supplements alone or with other vitamins and minerals.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha lipoic acid is a popular antioxidant and it can protect cells against damage. Alpha lipoic acid is found in spinach, broccoli and all potatoes. It could improve the body's usage of insulin as well as prevent diabetic neuropathy. Alpha lipoic acid could be instrumental in regulating your blood sugar, according to the National Institute of Health. It is available in capsule form.