What Foods Not to Eat With Diabetes
Unhealthy Foods
Diets that are high in sodium, trans fats and saturated fats increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in diabetics. Therefore, it is important for diabetics to make smart dietary choices. Diabetics should avoid fried foods and fattening cuts of beef. Pork is not conducive to maintaining heart health; therefore, bacon, salt pork, ribs and chitterlings should be avoided. Deserts and snacks are also troublesome; stay away from cakes, cookies, ice cream, potato chips and prepackaged foods that are high in sodium, fat and preservatives.
Fast Food
Fast foods are a terrible dietary choice and they should not be regularly consumed. Fast foods are high in trans and saturated fats, and one meal often contains enough sodium, carbohydrates and calories to equal half of your daily allowance. When eating at fast food restaurants, it is important to avoid fried foods, especially French fries; hot dogs; biscuits; thick crust, meaty pizzas with excess cheese; chili and double hamburgers. Milkshakes, ice cream and high sugar soft drinks should also be avoided.
When eating at fast food restaurants, it is important to avoid up-sizing your meals in order to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, fats and sodium. If you do consume fast foods during a meal, be sure to eat vegetables and fruits during your other meals.
According to the American Diabetes Association, Chinese food should be avoided, since the food is often deep fried, high in fat and served in thick sauces. The sodium content is also high in Chinese food.
Cooking oils can be a minefield when trying to avoid unhealthy foods. Palm oil, shortening, coconut oil and lard should be avoided at all costs. Oils clog arteries, which ultimately lead to blocked blood vessels, constricted veins and high blood pressure. These cooking oils contain a high concentration of fat and consuming them on a regular basis will make it difficult to keep your diabetes under control.
Dairy Products
Be sure to avoid full-fat dairy products. Whole milk, ice cream and cheeses should not be consumed except in low or zero fat form. Cream cheese, sour cream, butter and margarine are not heart healthy and can have an adverse affect on diabetes.
Health Tips
Be sure to read nutritional labels.
If possible, go to the websites of fast food restaurants for their nutritional information.
The American Diabetes Association suggests that less than 70% of your daily calories should be saturated fats.
Eat low calorie choices. When eating chicken, remove the skin and make sure to eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.