Diabetic Tea Cure
Black Tea Cure
According to the Daily Mirror Newspaper, as well as several other news sources, scientists are claiming that just one cup of black tea a day is effective in the treatment of diabetes symptoms. Theoflavins and thearubigins are chemicals found in black tea that have been found to mimic insulin within the body.
In 2008, the research was considered to be in the preliminary stages, because the study was performed in a laboratory setting using test tubes and cell cultures.
The initial study was conducted by the Caledonian Research Foundation and was published in the medical journal, "Aging Cell." It was a controlled laboratory experiment. Researchers hoped to uncover whether black tea had the ability to ward off age-related diseases, such as diabetes.
What researchers discovered was that black tea contained three different compounds that created insulin-like effects in a test tube. The hope is that these same effects will occur within the human body as a result of drinking the tea.
Rosy Periwinkle Tea Cure
This tea cure for diabetes dates back to 1920s England. The exact dosaging is still unknown, but most people choose to drink two to three cups of the tea a day as a means of curing diabetes symptoms. This remedy was often sold in pharmacies before insulin was discovered, and then in WWII, the insulin quantities were drastically cut back in Jamaica, so rosy periwinkle tea was drunk instead. During this time, the tea was also used as a diabetic cure in the Philippines for the same reason (insulin cutbacks). After the war, researchers went to Jamaica and estimated that the diabetics there had gone four years without insulin treatment. Further research showed that the extract of rosy periwinkle soaked in alcohol significantly reduced the white blood cell count.
Pu'er Tea
According to a recent study conducted by scientists at Jilin University and the Changchun Science and Technology University in Pu'er City, Yunnan province, drinking the right amount of Pu'er tea can help lower blood sugar levels. Typical dosaging is to drink three cups of tea per day (or with every meal). Researchers conducting a study on 120 diabetic volunteers showed that 70 percent of individuals who drank the tea had lowered blood sugar levels.