Why Has the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Been Steadily Increasing in the United States?
The Condition
Diabetes is a chronic disease which the body is unable to produce or properly use insulin. Insulin creates the sugar, or energy, the body needs. When diabetes is left untreated, the body can suffer from high blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia. This condition can cause end-stage renal failure, amputations, heart disease and blindness. There are three types of diabetes. With type 1 diabetes, the body doesn't produce any insulin. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women and can disappear after delivery. With type 2 diabetes, which most Americans have, the body doesn't produce enough insulin.
Famiy History
A person's chances of developing type 2 diabetes greatly increase because of a family history of the condition. For instance, if first-degree relatives such as parents or siblings have the disease, you are at greater risk to develop it, too. Approximately 75 percent of children with type 2 diabetes have a parent or sibling with the condition.
Before most diabetics are diagnosed with this condition, they have pre-diabetes. The cause of pre-diabetes is not known. However, this stage acts as a warning sign that you're close to developing type 2 diabetes. More importantly, it means that your blood sugar is higher than normal.
According to the NDIC, approximately 80 percent of American type 2 diabetics are overweight. An increase in obesity rates in children, teenagers, blacks and ethnic groups, are causing an increase in this condition in the U.S. Type 2 diabetes and obesity are caused by lack of exercise, too much sugar and unhealthy eating habits.
Other Reasons
Another reason for the increase of type 2 diabetes is the aging of the population. In individuals 60 years and older, 23.1 percent have diabetes, according to the NDIC. This accounts for 12.2 million of the elderly population. Race and ethnicity also plays a part. For instance, Hispanics are developing the condition at higher rates that whites. Thus, with a growing Hispanic population in the U.S., the number of cases of diabetes increases.