Signs & Symptoms of Type Two Diabetes
Risk Factors
Type 2 diabetes develops over time, and anyone can get it. However, certain factors can increase your risk of developing it, such as being overweight, having a family history of diabetes and having high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Common symptoms of type 2 diabetes include increased thirst and urination, extreme hunger and fatigue. Because the sugar is building up in your blood instead of providing your cells with energy, your body might start to use your stored fat, resulting in unexplained weight loss.
Diabetes causes the sugar created from the food you eat to build up in your bloodstream instead of fueling your body. A blood test can measure the amount of sugar present, and if it's higher than normal, may indicate diabetes. Your doctor will confirm this by performing another test on a later date.
Following a well-balanced diet and getting more exercise can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, but if that's not enough, oral medications are available. Some type 2 diabetics must take insulin shots if they do not produce enough on their own.
It's possible to delay or even prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by following a healthy lifestyle. Losing excess weight can reduce your risk of developing diabetes, as can eating healthier foods and exercising regularly, according to the Mayo Clinic's website.